How to earn money on YouTube

How to earn money on YouTube
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Nowadays, YouTube is one of the biggest platforms from where people are making endless money. If you are also one of those people who want to know how to earn money on YouTube, you are at right place. We will guide you how to make money on YouTube in detail. Basically YouTube is a medium where you have to make a channel for earn money. The topic of your channel can anything but it shall be contains good content. People who are on YouTube are self-made celebrities basically. They create amazing content to attract people and a large audience means more money. There are some very useful and creative ways to make money on YouTube. If you will follow these ways, you will definitely run your channel and earn money successfully.

Earn money on YouTube

YouTube is a medium where you can money in both direct and indirect ways. If you want to earn directly, you can be an advertiser or an ad platform. When you have an ad platform, you can create video content about different topics. If you make interesting videos and eye catchy content, people attract at your videos so you will get audience. For your videos, YouTube will pay you.

Direct ways to earn money on YouTube

1. Advertise Platform

In case of advertise platform, you will paid for the hosting of the content of other people. To monetize the content of yours, you have to build a strong audience. When you build a strong audience, it puts your channel in an amazing position. There are many brands which keeps an eye on that kind of channels as well so it can be very beneficial for you. Actually, it is very necessary that you know about your audience. You should understand the age range, gender and geographical location of your audience for sure. Other than that, you can use many other sites to compare your channel or you can do YouTube analyses also.

2. Advertisers

Basically YouTube advertisement is a complete different thing as a television channel. When an ad plays on television, everyone can watch it. But YouTube advertisement is specific for specific audience. For catching more audience, you can select any category of your advertisement. Basically you can pick any type of ads which are related to your purpose or campaign.

Types of Ads

  • Bumper Ads
  • Preroll Ads
  • Trueview Ads

Bumper Ads

These types of ads are the shortest type of ads basically. The duration of bumper ads is maximum 6 seconds and played before a video. For different kinds of brand awareness or promotions, these ads are best option. Also, bumper ads are comes as short breaks between music and playlists. As well as, they play between watching any video also. These ads are paid per minute cost so you pay for 1,000 plays of your advertisements at the platform of YouTube.

Preroll Ads

Preroll ad plays before a video. These ads basically cannot be skipped. When you choose these ads, you need to focus on the call to action as well as landing link because these ads pay per click. Other than that, Preroll ads are also amazing choice for the lead generation.

Trueview Ads

At longer spots, Trueview ads tell a story actually. These ads are available in two types;

  • In-Stream
  • In-Discovery


When you select a video, In-Stream ad play right before. The duration of these ads is long but viewer can skip it after 5 seconds. These ads last between 12 seconds and further six minutes. However, users can easily skip them right after 5 minutes.


In-Discovery ads show you at the side of a video. Mostly, these ads are used for the brand promotions and awareness. These ads will pay you according to views. Moreover, In-Discovery ads fix a rate for 30 seconds per view. Also, you are free to manage add ads by using Google AdWords conveniently.

Indirect ways to earn money on YouTube

1. In exchange for money license your content

To earn money from YouTube, you can license your content in exchange for money. In this case, when your videos go viral, you can easily license your videos so other media can use them whenever they want. It means, if a media channel uses your content, they will pay you for your content. So this is a good method to earn money conveniently.

2. Choose a recurring fan donation

In this situation if viewers like any of your content, they can donate to your channel. For earn money in this way, for your projects you can select a recurring fan donation. Therefore, viewers will pay the same amount in the given time duration. Further, you can let the viewer allow donating amount according to them. You can also provide different temptations to your viewers such as merch, one-by-one videos or private classes.

3. Record a call to action

If you want to earn money from YouTube through an indirect way, you can record a call to actions on videos. You can ask your viewers to like your videos or subscription. As well as, you can ask audience to share your videos in the middle or end of the videos. It totally depends on you that when you request for like and subscribe your content.

Is it really easy to earn money from YouTube?

If you are a creator or you can perform anything related to different topics, YouTube is a blessing for you. You can earn money from this medium and also become a celebrity via your content. YouTube is a largest streaming app that is also reliable to earn money. There is no restriction for a specific person or specific region, religion or anything else. You can create content whatever you want seamlessly. You can also pick any topic to entertainment or awareness. The biggest point of creating a video or any other content is that you have to entertain people. At starting, people earn a very few money from YouTube. Basically YouTube requires struggle. For make endless money and a large number or audience, you have to be patient. Like many other platforms, you have to work hard on YouTube.

On YouTube, people always watch videos according to their interest. If your videos are boring or irrelevant, maybe you cannot attract people quickly. There are thousands of people who start a YouTube channel and earn nothing for a long time. At that time, people give up and leave their channels because they think they can’t make money. But you don’t need to demotivate or dishearten, because if you work hard, you will earn for sure. On the other hand, there are millions of people who live their dream lives just because of creating content on YouTube. If you upload videos regularly, and you content is interesting as well, you will definitely make money on YouTube. But YouTube is quite a difficult way to earn money because it requires a lot of time to become popular and engages audience.

How much money you can earn on YouTube?

On YouTube, if your channel becomes famous and you make a good audience and subscribers, you will definitely earn endless. But on the other hand, if your content is boring or you’re daily views are very less or not as much as YouTube require, you will earn nothing. However, the chances of both situations are almost equal. The earning on YouTube is completely depends on the clicks on your video, subscribers, ads and so on. For running a successful channel, you have to upload at least one video every week and t is compulsory. If that video achieves 2 million viewers, you will earn 6 figures in a month approximately. Furthermore, it also depends on the views and subscribers as well.

How to Monetize YouTube?

If you are going to make a YouTube channel to earn money, you should be very careful about the content. Therefore, for beginners you can earn money by avoiding the content which make your videos disgusting or irritating such as;

  • Serious injuries, violence, topics about violent extremism
  • Sexual humour, nudity or some other kind of sexual content
  • War related content, tragedies, inappropriate imagery, sensitive content or controversial issues
  • Natural disasters, political conflicts, regulated substances and drugs related content
  • Harassment, vulgarity, vulgar language or some inappropriate language

Requirements to earn money on YouTube

YouTube is not a very simple or easy platform to earn money. If you want to earn money from YouTube, there are some very basic requirements. Basically there are millions of people who want to become a blogger, influencer or content creator through YouTube. But it is true that YouTube don’t pay at the starting. When you start a YouTube channel, it pays nothing or very less. Actually YouTube is such a big challenge in case of making money. However, if your fulfil all of its basic requirements, you can earn quite a good amount every month. To make money, you have to participate in the YouTube partner program also. This is the most important step to earn lots of money. There are some requirements which you need to fulfil for make your YouTube journey awesome and making endless money.

  • Your channel have never been time-blocked or warned yet
  • At least you have 1000 subscribers minimally
  • Your content don’t violate the guidelines of Google and YouTube
  • In your country, YouTube Partner program is available
  • In the last 12 months, your videos have been viewed for minimally 4000 hours

Simple ways to earn money on YouTube

Revenue of Advertisements

The best to earn money from YouTube is to revenue the advertisements. Whenever you place an advertisement in any of your video, you get a share of it automatically. As well as, as many times your video is viewed, you will get paid. This is the simplest way to earn that used by many successful YouTubers. Further, it is totally depends on you that how often you want to run an ad in your video. However, you need to be very careful about running ads. If you run an ad again and again, it may affect views. Therefore, don’t overdo advertisement to avoid irritation. When you run an ad in a video again and again, it can make people annoying and irritating. So choose your advertisements very carefully and run them wisely at the same time.

Integrate merchandise area

If you integrate merchandise area, you can make more money with YouTube. Basically if you have 10 thousand subscribers on your YouTube channel, you can integrate a merchandise section easily. It will make people able to buy fan merchandise from you actually. When you will activate the store, it will show under all of your videos. This store will even show a person that is not your subscribers.

Super Sticker and Super Chat

If you use the super sticker or super chat method to make money with YouTube, it will be very beneficial for you. This super chat feature actually provides a very quick addition in the value of your YouTube viewers. The latter is capable to pay money for messages to remain highlighted in the chat actually. After that, this money will be added in your account immediately. So basically, when users will pay, you will get that money in your account. It means, the more users pay, more money to will get.

Membership of Channel

To make money in a faster and effective way, you can use channel membership method as well. This is a very popular method to earn money from YouTube. Through this way, you can subscribe your channel as well as can become a member easily. Basically in this method, they offer a fixed monthly fee. This feature gives them some benefits as well such as exclusive content. The best thing is that, the channel membership aware you that how much will you earn next month with YouTube.

Donation Button

Through donation, your viewers can support you to earn money. In this method, your viewers have opportunity to support you with donation as much they want. When your viewers donate you, they use Donation Button. This donation button connected to PayPal link. This button is available on the donation page. At that page, viewers can add amount as much as they want because it totally depends on viewers. Moreover, you can set the donation amount for fulfilling nay of your need also viewers can donate according to their choice as well.


YouTube is a medium where you have to make a channel for earn money. The topic of your channel can anything but it shall be contains good content. YouTube is a medium where you can money in both direct and indirect ways. If you want to earn directly, you can be an advertiser. When you have an ad platform, you can create video content about different topics. If you make interesting videos and eye catchy content, people attract at your videos so you will get audience. Actually, it is very necessary that you know about your audience. You should understand the age range, gender and geographical location of your audience for sure. There is no restriction for a specific person or specific region, religion or anything else. You can create content whatever you want seamlessly. You can also pick any topic to entertainment or awareness.

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