Technology is getting advance day by day. Now, people can record themselves while playing video games. They can do live streaming while playing games. Live streaming has made games more fun and enjoyable. But live streamers need graphics. So, that they can upload those graphics on too streaming platform. And are able to portray the theme of their channel. Theme means if a channel plays War games then. The graphics for streamers will create designs that show war. You can make really decent amount by designing graphics for streamers.
What are Graphics for Streamers?
Basically, Graphics for streamers are unique styles or graphics. Which every streamer uses at the starting of their stream or at the outro of their streams. Most of the streamers use graphics when the stream is starting or ending. If they are going for a break then they also have graphics for that too. Every streamer has a unique style and theme. Which is specifically designed for their channel by the graphics expert. Who can design graphics for streamers.
Graphics for Streamers contain Logos, Animations, Overlays, and more.
How to Create Streaming Graphics, Overlays, or Logos?
There are a lot of software available. We will also provide you with a list of some of the top software. That can help you create graphics for streamers quickly.
- Open any software from the list below. So, few of them support template features like Canva. And few of them don’t you need to design everything if you are an expert try those softwares.
- I suggest you should use Canva first.
- Search for Streaming Graphics and many different templates will appear.
- Simply, select the best one from all of them.
- After that add your own creativity and do some final touches.
- Lastly, click on the download button and boom. You just created your first overlay.
Best Softwares for Creating Streaming Graphics, Overlays, and Logos:
- Streamlabs.
- Figma.
- Canva.
- StreamPro.
- Overlayr.
- Nerdordie.
- OvrStream.
How Much Can You Make by Designing Graphics for Streamers?
You might be wondering now how much can I make from this job. So, there is no actual number. It depends on different things and can vary from project to project. If you are a highly skilled person and working as a freelancer. Then you can make $5 to $25 for creating a single overlay for streamers.
It does not require a lot of effort the reason why the amount is low. Even if you are working for a big client then you can design any type of graphic for a streamer. In less than a few hours so few hours if you get paid $25 then it is not that bad. In Graphics Design creating overlays and logos are the most effortless way to earn money.
If you are designing an overlay the amount is low. But if you are also designing a logo for that client with the overlay. Then you can easily make $100 from a single client. It also mostly depends on the platform that you are using to sell your services as a designer.
Best Places to Earn by Creating Graphics for Streamers:-
The amount you can make depends on the platform you are using. If you are selling your services directly then you can make a lot of money. But if you are selling your services through freelancing websites then the platform you are using will have their commission. And after that, you will receive 70 to 80% of the amount from the actual amount. So, we will share with you some of the top platforms where you can sell your services by creating graphics for streamers.
Sell your Services Directly on Twitch
Twitch is the number one streaming platform. A lot of people are using twitch for doing daily live streaming. And you can send those streamers direct messages. Type in that message that I can make your thumbnails, logo, or overlay at an affordable price. If you send messages to 100 streamers daily. Then I make sure that most of them will contact you. And you can easily make hundreds of dollars by selling your services on twitch.
Create your Own Channel
If you are not getting any clients. Then you should start your own channel on Twitch or another streaming platform. Where you can show people your skills. And when you will generate some traffic on your channel. You can advertise yourself and sell your service to others. In this way, you can by streaming on twitch and can get clients too.
Work as a Freelancer on Fiverr
You can sign up on Fiverr from the links given below. And can sell your services on Fiverr. The commission rate on Fiverr is low. and they are offering a lot of opportunities to those who design graphics for streamers. Here is the list of some graphic designers who design for streamers. Proof with their profile so that you can get inspiration and start earning.

synt_xo designs twitch overlay, screens, emotes and so much more. And is a level 2 seller on Fiverr. He charges $25 for creating just a single overlay or graphic design. And has worked on more than 200 projects. He uses very little simple software and creates stunning graphic designs for streamers. And we also shared how you can create the same graphics and earn from Fiverr.

sophia_designs2 designs logo and twitch complete setup. In the twitch complete setup, it means that she will design everything. From banner to overlay, outro, intro, logos, backgrounds, animations and so much more. But all of this will take only a few hours for her to design. And she will charge $25 for the individual things.

slothdsgn designs custom twitch overlays, twitch animations, and logos for streamers. And he is charging $70 just for creating overlays. He charges even more if you ask him to design the complete stream graphics. So, if he is making $70 just from Fiverr. Then you can also earn the same amount as he is making.
The Bottom Line
In this article, we covered everything about making money. By designing graphics for streamers. You can easily create graphics, overlays, logos, and animations. If you follow over how to guide. And after that, you can look for the platforms which we shared with you for earning money. Through creating graphic design for streamers.